Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Assembly Source File
227 lines
* *
* Example program demonstrating the various methods of talking to *
* the SCRAM 2000 device driver. *
* *
* Both standard and SCSI-Direct methods are demonstrated. *
* *
* The code is verbosely commented to make it simple to understand *
* but some knowledge of 68000 assembler programming on the part of *
* the reader is assumed. *
* *
* All code by Will McGovern. (yes, I wrote the driver as well !!) *
* *
* BLATENT AD ==> For a custom written driver for your hardware, *
* send inquiries to : *
* *
* Will McGovern *
* PO Box 247, *
* NSW 2289 *
* *
* The code is written to be assembled with Macro68 from DigiSoft *
* but can be converted to other formats with ease. Any Macro68 *
* specific directives are explained. *
* *
* The 2.0 include files are used for all symbols and equates. *
* *
Macro68 assembler directives
mc68000 ;68000 mode
strict ;strict syntax mode
exeobj ;executable object file
objfile 'example' ;object filename
SYS : Call system vector macro
sys macro
EXAMPLE_UNIT equ 0 ;scsi unit to talk to
BLOCK_SIZE equ $200 ;size of 512 byte block
MAXAUTO_SIZE equ $fe ;maximum autosense size
MAXINQUIRY_SIZE equ $fe ;maximum # of inquiry bytes
section excode,code
Find this task and see if we started from workbench or from a CLI
start movea.l (4).w,a6 ;exec library base
suba.l a1,a1 ;this task
sys FindTask ;find this task
movea.l d0,a4 ;save task pointer
tst.l (pr_CLI,a4) ;did we come from a CLI ?
bne.s clistartup ;branch if CLI entry
Discard the workbench startup msg
lea (pr_MsgPort,a4),a0 ;this task's message port
sys WaitPort ;wait for WB startup message
lea (pr_MsgPort,a4),a0 ;this task's message port
sys GetMsg ;fetch the startup message
Initialise a message port (MP) for use with my IORequest structure
clistartup movea.l #mymp,a2 ;my message port
move.l a4,(MP_SIGTASK,a2) ;save pointer to this task
moveq #-1,d0 ;any signal will do
sys AllocSignal ;allocate a signal for MP
move.b d0,(MP_SIGBIT,a2) ;save signal # in MP
bmi nosignal ;branch if error
movea.l a2,a1 ;copy MP pointer
sys AddPort ;add my MP to the system
Open scram.device for EXAMPLEUNIT
movea.l #scramname,a0 ;scram.device name
movea.l #myior,a1 ;my IORequest structure
move.l a2,(MN_REPLYPORT,a1) ;init MP pointer in IOR
moveq #EXAMPLE_UNIT,d0 ;scsi unit to talk to
moveq #0,d1 ;no flags
sys OpenDevice ;open scram.device
tst.l d0 ;any errors ?
bne.b noscramdevice ;branch if error
* Now we can talk to the scram.device through the standard
* device commands such as CMD_READ or use the HD_SCSICMD command
* for SCSI-Direct mode.
Here are some examples of normal and SCSI-Direct mode access.
Read block 0 from the unit into blockbuffer using CMD_READ command
movea.l #myior,a1 ;IORequest pointer
move.w #CMD_READ,(IO_COMMAND,a1) ;CMD_READ command
move.l #blockbuffer,(IO_DATA,a1) ;buffer for data
clr.l (IO_OFFSET,a1) ;block 0
move.l #BLOCK_SIZE,(IO_LENGTH,a1) ;one block to read
sys DoIO ;read the block
tst.b d0 ;any error ?
bne.b cmdreaderror ;error if d0 not zero
Now do the same as above in SCSI-Direct mode
movea.l #myior,a1 ;IORequest pointer
move.w #HD_SCSICMD,(IO_COMMAND,a1) ;CMD_READ command
move.l #scsireadcmd,(IO_DATA,a1) ;pointer to SCSICmd
sys DoIO ;read the block
tst.b d0 ;any error ?
bne.b scsireaderror ;error if d0 not zero
Perform a SCSI INQUIRY command on the EXAMPLE_UNIT
movea.l #myior,a1 ;IORequest pointer
move.w #HD_SCSICMD,(IO_COMMAND,a1) ;HD_SCSICMD command
move.l #scsiinquirycmd,(IO_DATA,a1) ;pointer to SCSICmd
sys DoIO ;perform inquiry
tst.b d0 ;any error ?
beq.b exitexample ;error if d0 not zero
This is where an error handler would be placed if this was serious code
scsireaderror nop
Clean up our mess and return to DOS
exitexample movea.l #myior,a1 ;pointer to my IORequest
sys CloseDevice ;close scram.device
noscramdevice movea.l #mymp,a1 ;pointer to my MP
sys RemPort ;remove my message port
moveq #0,d0 ;prepare D0 for byte load
move.b (mymp+MP_SIGBIT),d0 ;get signal # we allocated
sys FreeSignal ;free the allocated signal
nosignal moveq #0,d0 ;clear return code
rts ;return to DOS
section exdata,data
Note: The SCSICmd structure used in this example did not appear in the
early 1.3 include files in its entirety. C= omitted the autosense
information. See the 2.0 include file "devices/scsidisk.i" for a
full description of the SCSI-Direct protocol.
Also note that the SCSIF_AUTOSENSE (4 byte sense length) has
become SCSIF_OLDAUTOSENSE in the 2.0 implementation.
The new SCSIF_AUTOSENSE supports sense data lengths of 4 to 255
bytes. The sense length is specified in scsi_SenseLength field.
The SCSIF_READ/SCSIF_WRITE flags are NOT required by the scram.device as
the data direction is determined automatically by the driver.
SCSICmd structure for reading block 0
scsireadcmd dc.l blockbuffer ;data buffer address
dc.l BLOCK_SIZE ;number of bytes to read
dc.l 0 ;actual bytes read
dc.l readcmd ;pointer to scsi CDB
dc.w 10 ;# of command bytes
dc.w 0 ;actual cmd bytes sent
dc.b SCSIF_AUTOSENSE ;automatic sense
dc.b 0 ;status byte
dc.l sensebuffer ;buffer for sense data
dc.w MAXAUTO_SIZE ;size of my sense buffer
dc.w 0 ;actual sense bytes read
SCSICmd structure for an INQUIRY command
scsiinquirycmd dc.l inquirybuffer ;data buffer address
dc.l MAXINQUIRY_SIZE ;number of bytes to read
dc.l 0 ;actual bytes read
dc.l inquirycmd ;pointer to scsi CDB
dc.w 6 ;# of command bytes
dc.w 0 ;actual cmd bytes sent
dc.b SCSIF_AUTOSENSE ;automatic sense
dc.b 0 ;status byte
dc.l sensebuffer ;buffer for sense data
dc.w MAXAUTO_SIZE ;size of my sense buffer
dc.w 0 ;actual sense bytes read
* Here are the actual command desciptor blocks (CDB's) sent to the
* selected scsi unit.
* For more information on these consult the SCSI specifications or the
* manual for your scsi device.
readcmd dc.w $2800,$0000,$0000,$0000,$0100 ;extended read
inquirycmd dc.w $1200,$0000,MAXINQUIRY_SIZE<<8
Text and byte data
scramname cstr 'scram.device' ;null terminated name
section exbss,data
mymp ds.b MP_SIZE ;my message port structure
myior ds.b IOSTD_SIZE ;my IORequest structure
inquirybuffer ds.b MAXINQUIRY_SIZE ;inquiry data buffer
sensebuffer ds.b MAXAUTO_SIZE ;autosense data buffer
blockbuffer ds.b BLOCK_SIZE ;block data buffer